Exploit Title: Sublime Text 4 - OS Command Injection

Discovered by: Ahmet Ümit BAYRAM

Discovered Date: 17.09.2023

Vendor Homepage: https://www.sublimetext.com

Software Link: https://www.sublimetext.com/download_thanks?target=win-x64

Tested Version: 4 (latest)

Tested on: Windows 2019 Server 64bit

Steps to Reproduce

  1. Open Sublime Text.
  2. Navigate to Tools > Build System > New Build System…
  3. In the newly opened configuration window, paste the following code:

         "shell_cmd": "your reverse shell code goes here",
         "shell": true
  4. Use the File > Save option to save this configuration. (For example, save it as ReverseShell.sublime-build).
  5. From the Tools > Build System menu, select the ReverseShell option that you just saved.
  6. Press Ctrl + B to run the build system.
  7. Your reverse shell should now be active.

Replace "your reverse shell code goes here" with your actual reverse shell command to establish a connection.